一、招标项目名称:2013年度外文原版期刊 其它出版社期刊
四、采购内容:2013年度外文原版期刊 其它出版社期刊。
序号 原版刊号 刊名 出版社
1. 380B0082 Journal of Higher Education Ohio State University Press.
2. 380B0430 Review of Higher Education, The.(as Higher Education Review. 0148-9585) Johns Hopkins University Press.
3. 500B0008 Science. American Association for Advancement of Science.
4. 560NA001 Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre. National Research Council of Canada.
5. 562B0003 Geophysics + The Leading Edge. SEG,American Institute of Physics.
6. 562B0014 Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. EEGS - Jrnl of Envir and Engin Geophysics.
7. 565B0001 American Journal of Science. American Journal of Science.
8. 565B0002-1 Geological Society of America Bulletin. Allen Press.
9. 565B0003 Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. Economic Geology Publishing Co..
10. 565B0005 Journal of Geology. University of Chicago Press.
11. 565B0080 Environmental Engineering Geoscience. (as Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists. 0004-5691). Association of Engineering Geologists.
12. 565B0083 Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs. (as Abstracts with Programs - Society of America.) Geological Society of America.
13. 565B0089 Geology. Geological Society of America.
14. 565C0005 Journal of the Geological Society. Geological Society Publishing
15. 565C0008 Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. (formerly:Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology. ISSN:0481-2085) Geological Society Publishing House.
16. 565C0021 Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. Taylor Francis Ltd..
17. 565C0075 Geodrilling International. Mining Journal Ltd..
18. 565C0087 Episodes. Geological Society of India.
19. 565D0003 地質学雑誌/Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 日本地質学会.
20. 565D0004 **地質. **地質学会.
21. 565D0056 応用地質/Engineer Geology. 日本応用地質学会.
22. 565D0063 地球化学/Geochemistry. 日本地球化学会.
23. 565D0064 Geochemical Journal. 日本地球化学会.
24. 565NA053 Geoscience Canada. Geological Association of Canada, Dept. of Earth Sciences.
25. 566D0063 Journal of Oceanography. 日本海洋学会.
26. 567B0001 Journal of Sedimentary Research. Society of Economic Paleontologists Mineralogists.
27. 567C0051 Journal of Petrology. Oxford University Press.
28. 568B0003 Clays and Clay Minerals. Clays Minerals Society.
29. 568C0001 Mineralogical Magazine. Mineralogical Society.
30. 568C0051 Clay Minerals. Mineralogical Society.
31. 568D0001 岩石鉱物科学. 日本鉱物学会.
32. 568E0002 Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie, Abhandlungen. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Naegele u. Obermiller).
33. 568E0052 Lapis, Die aktuelle Monatszs. fuer Minralien und Edelsteine; (as Mineralien - Magazin). Christian Weise Verlag GmbH.
34. 571C0085 International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Taylor Francis Ltd..
35. 583B0001 Journal of Paleontology. Paleontological Society Business Office.
36. 583B0002 Paleobiology. Paleobiology.
37. 583B0004 Palaios. Society of Economic Paleontologists Mineralogists.
38. 583B0051 Micropaleontology Stratigraphy. American Museum of Natural History.
39. 583B0055 Bulletins of American Paleontology American Paleontologist. Paleontological Research Institution.
40. 583C0055 British Micropalaeontological Society Membership - includes Journal of Micropalaeontology Newsletter of Micropalaeontology. Geological Society Publishing House.
41. 583D0051 Palaeontological Research; Quarterly Journal of Paleontology. 日本古生物学会.
42. 583E0002 Palaeontographica; Beitraege zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit, Abteilung A: Palaeozoologie-Stratigraphie. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
43. 715B0280 Environmental Geosciences. AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
44. 720C0079 Energy Environment. Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd..
45. 740C0005 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Transactions, Section B: Applied Earth Science. Maney Publishing.
46. 740C0052 Industrial Minerals. Metal Bulletin Plc..
47. 741B0055 Petrophysics - SPWLA. Society of Professional Well Log Analysts.
48. 747B0004 JPT; Journal of Petroleum Technology. (as Journal of Petroleum Technolgy SPE Global Link.) Society of Petroleum Engineers.
49. 747B0006 AAPG Bulletin - American Association of Petroleum Geologists. American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
50. 747B0007 Hart's E P; Global Exploration Production News Technology Updated, Analysis. Hart Publications, Inc..
51. 747B0008 World Oil. Gulf Publishing Co..
52. 747B0011 Offshore. PennWell Publishing Co..
53. 747B0014 SPE Drilling Completion. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
54. 747B0015 SPE Production and Operations. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
55. 747B0016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation Engineering. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
56. 747D0051 石油技術協会誌/Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology. 石油技術協会.
57. 747NA052 Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.
58. 748C0051 Journal of Gemmology Gem and Jewellery News. Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain.
59. 817B0001 Oil Gas Journal. PennWell Publishing Co..
60. 817C0052 Petroleum Review - London. Energy Institute.
61. 817D0052 石油学会誌/Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute. 石油学会.
62. 817E0001 Erdoel Erdgas Kohle. Urban-Verlag Hamburg/Wien GmbH.
63. 857B0068 Gems Gemology. Gemological Institute of America.
64. 868B0054 Water Well Journal. Ground Water Publishing Co.
65. 292C0002 Petroleum Economist (as Petroleum Press Service). Euromoney Publications Plc.
66. 500C0004-A=2 Nature. Nature Japan K. K.
67. 562B0067 Annual Review of Earth Planetary Sciences. Annual Reviews Inc.
68. 563B0002 Limnology and Oceanography. American Society of Limnology Oceanography
69. 568B0001 American Mineralogist Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Elements. Mineralogical Society of America
70. 860C0004 Geotechnique. Thomas Telford Services Ltd.
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5. 有依法缴纳税收和社会保障资金的良好记录;
6. 近三年来,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录。
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6. 相关资质。
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