****集团境外燃油供应商库(2024年-2027年)续建公告Announcement on the Renewal of COSCO Shipping Group’s Overseas Fuel Supplier List (2024-2027)
(2)主要**(6个): ARA(安特卫普、鹿特丹、阿姆斯特丹三港合一)、**、巴生、纽约、比雷埃夫斯、富加拉
2024年1月22 日
联系人:Marcus Ng (黄星源) 电话: +65 6885 0974
邮件地址: vendor_list@coscoshippingpetro.****.sg
Announcement on theRenewal of COSCO Shipping Group’s Overseas Fuel Supplier List (2024-2027)
To whom It May Concern:
COSCO Shipping Group’s Overseas Fuel Supplier List(2024-2027)
The renewal process has now commenced and thevalidity period of this round of supplier list is from April 1, 2024 to March31, 2027. The application process is now open to all suppliers around the world.
The specific details of the renewal process are nowannounced as follows:
1. Supplier ListRenewal Method
This round of overseas fuel Supplier List will berebuilt according to the principle of "1 core port list + 6 major portindividual list + 1 comprehensive list", with the number of entreesappropriately controlled. The potential supplier entry into the list(s) will bereviewed and decided by an expert panel.
The breakdown of "core port list + majorports list + comprehensive list" is as follows:
(1) 1 Core port list - Singapore
(2) 6 Major ports list - ARA (Antwerp, Rotterdam,Amsterdam three ports in one), Hong Kong, Port Klang, New York, Piraeus and Fujairah
(3) In addition to the above 7 ports, other portsand regions (except Mainland China) will be grouped into a comprehensive list.
2. Sourcing ofpotential Suppliers
It is planned to determine the list of potentialoverseas fuel suppliers based on the following three aspects:
(1) Qualified suppliers in the former COSCOShipping Group’s overseas fuel supplier list;
(2) Market-competitive fuel suppliers recommendedby COSCO Shipping companies and centralised purchasing companies
(3) Self recommendation by Suppliers
3. Application Requirements
Potential suppliers must submit the followingdocuments before 17:00 Beijing time on February 23, 2024. Documentssubmitted after the deadline will be deemed invalid.
1. Supplier information registration form;
2. Supplier’s anti-commercial bribery commitmentletter;
3. Supplier social code compliance self-assessmentquestionnaire;
4. Letter of commitment on sanctions compliance;
5. Audited financial for 2021-2023 (If theaudited 2023 is not available, please provide the audited reports for2020, 2021 and 2022);
6. Supplier recommendation information form
China Ocean Shipping CorporationLimited
January 22, 2024
Please send all formsand documents :
ATTN:Mr. Marcus Ng (黄星源) TEL: +65 6885 0974
Email address: vendor_list@coscoshippingpetro.****.sg
COSCO Shipping (Singapore) Petroleum PTE.****.