****银行贷款****等地特大暴雨洪涝灾害灾后恢复重建项目**子项目**市监测预警应急指挥平台、**市智慧水利平台、**市智慧水环境(防汛)平台 - 国际招标公告
1. 中国政府已收到****银行(以下简称“亚投行”)为****等地特大暴雨洪涝灾害灾后恢复重建项目–**子项目提供的融资,并计划将部分资金用于**应急能力建设子项目合同项下的合格支付。
2. ****管理局****水利局、****建设局)现邀请合格投标人就**应急能力建设子项目提交密封的投标文件。更多信息技术系统的详细信息在招标文件中提供。
3. 资格要求包括:(1)提交过去3年(2021-2023)经审计的财务报表或或者在投标人国家法律不要求的情况下,其他买方可以接受的财务报表,以反映投标人当前财务状况的稳定性及其长期盈利性。最低要求,投标人最近1年(2023年)的净资产(按总资产与总负债之差计算)应为正值;(2)根据过去5年(2019-2023)里正在执行的合同或已完成合同经核实的已收到的付款额计算的最低年均营业额为15000万人民币或2080万美元;(3)投标人必须证明其最近的营运资金(流动资产-流动负债)加上任何信贷或者其它融资渠道(不包括合同预付款),扣除其现有合同承诺的现金流必须能够满足本合同2400万人民币或330万美元的现金流要求;(4)2019年1月1日起至投标截止时间止,具有在信息技术系统合同下作为独立的卖方、联合体卖方的成员(作为主、副成员均可)或卖方的直接分包商的经验;(5)2019年1月1日起至投标截止时间止,作为独立的卖方、联合体卖方的成员(作为主、副成员均可)或卖方的直接分包商至少参与了1个类似合同,合同金额不少于5000万人民币或690万美元,合同应已成功完成,并与拟建的信息技术系统类似。且:作为独立的卖方、联合体卖方的成员(作为主、副成员均可)或卖方的直接分包商,参与过数字孪生流域类的信息技术系统项目,并参与过以下五类中至少两类信息技术系统项目,类别包括:城市防洪、洪水风险模拟、防汛(洪涝灾害)应急指挥、防汛(洪涝灾害)监测预警、水模型。所提供的案例必须是已经成功完成的项目(每类应提供至少1个合同,合同金额不限)。更多详细信息在招标文件中提供。
4. 本次采购将按照亚投行《借款人临时采购指南》(采购指南,2016年6月2日,经不时修订)的规定,通过国际公开竞争性招标(IOCT)一阶段双信封的招标流程进行,并面向采购指南中定义的所有合格投标人。潜在投标人应注意招标文件“投标人须知”第4条关于合格性和利益冲突的规定。所有存在利益冲突的投标人均为不合格的投标人。
5. 感兴趣的合格投标人可从本邀请函列明的采购代理联系人处获得更多信息,并自即日起至投标截止时间止于上午9:00-11:30和下午13:30-16:00 (**时间,节假日除外)在以下地址查阅或购买招标文件。
6. 感兴趣的合格投标人可在向以下地址提交书面请求并支付不可退还费用(人民币2000元或300美元)后购买招标文件。付款方式为现金或电汇(开户行:****营业部;户名:****;账号:778****10653)。应投标人的书面要求,可通过快递方式寄送招标文件,但采购代理对招标文件丢失或延迟递送概不负责。
7. 投标文件必须在2024年8月1日上午9:30(**时间)之前交付至以下地址。电子采购不适用于本次采购。逾期投标将被拒绝。标有“投标文件正本”字样的投标外层信封和标有“技术部分”的内层信封将在投标人指定代表和任何具备资格的人在场的情况下公开开启。请于2024年8月1日上午9:30(**时间)在以下地址参加“技术部分”公开开标。所有标有“财务部分”的信封应保持密封状态,并由买方妥善保管,直至“财务部分”公开开标。
8. 所有投标文件必须随附一份投标保证金,金额为180万元人民币或25万美元。
9. 上述有关地址如下:
邮编: 100055
Jiaozuo City Monitoring and Warning Emergency Command Platform, Jiaozu
o City Intelligent Water Conservancy Platform, Jiaozuo City Intelligent Water
Environment (Flood Control) Platform
Project: Henan Flood Emergency Rehabilitation and Recovery Project - Jiaozuo Component
Country: The People’s Republic of China
Loan No.: L0543A
Contract No.: **** (JZSB202, JZSB203)
Contract Title: Jiaozuo City Monitoring and Warning Emergency Command Platform, Jiaozuo City Intelligent Water Conservancy Platform, Jiaozuo Ciy Intelligent Water Environment (Flood Control) Platform
Issued on: June 20, 2024
1. The People’s Republic of China has received financing from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB or the Bank) toward the cost of Henan Flood Emergency Rehabilitation and Recovery Project - Jiaozuo Component, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Jiaozuo Emergency Response Platform and Smart Water and Urban Flood Management System.
2. The Jiaozuo Emergency Management Bureau (Jiaozuo Water Resources Bureau, Jiaozuo Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau) now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers for the above-mentioned contract. More detailed information on information technology systems is provided in the Tender Document.
3. Qualification requirements include: (1) Submission of financial statements or, if not required by the law of the Tenderer’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Purchaser, for the last 3 years (2021 - 2023) to demonstrate the current soundness of the Tenderers financial position and its prospective long-term profitability. As a minimum, the Tenderer’s net worth for the last year (2023) calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive; (2) Minimum average annual turnover of CNY 150 million or USD 20.8 million, calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last 5 (2019 - 2023) years; (3) The Tenderer must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as most recent working capital (current assets – current liabilities), lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments, net of current contract commitments, sufficient to meet the cash flow requirement of CNY 24 million or USD 3.3 million for the subject contract; (4) Experience under Information Technology System contracts in the role of prime supplier, JV member, or subcontractor since 1st January 2019 prior to the Tender submission deadline; and (5) Participation as a prime supplier, JV member, or subcontractor between 1st January 2019 and the deadline for Tender submission, in at least one similar contract with a value of at least CNY 50 million or USD 6.9 million, that have been successfully completed and that are similar to the proposed Information Technology System (Similar contract refers to the cases of emergency command or intelligent water conservancy or urban flooding related IT system). In addition, participation as a prime supplier, JV member, or subcontractor, in IT system contracts in terms of Digital Twin Watershed category, as well as in at least two out of the following five categories of IT system contracts including urban flood control, flood risk simulation, emergency command for flood control (flooding), monitoring and early warning for flood control (flooding), and water modelling, that have been successfully completed (at least one contract should be provided for any two of the five categories and without limit on the contract value). Additional details are provided in the Tender Document.
4. The procurement will be conducted through International Open Competitive Tendering (IOCT) procedures (Single Stage: Two Envelope Tendering Process) as specified in the Bank’s Interim Operational Directive on Procurement Instructions for Recipients (PIR, June 2, 2016, as amended from time to time), and is open to all eligible Tenderers as defined in the PIR. The attention of prospective Tenderers is drawn to the eligibility and conflict of interest provisions under ITT 4 of the Tender Document. All Tenderers found to have a conflict of interest shall be rejected.
5. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from the Procurement Agent listed below from the date of publication of this Invitation for Tenders until the deadline for Tender Submission and Opening, and inspect or purchase the Tender Document during office hours from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 16:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) at the address given below.
6. The Tender Document may be purchased by interested eligible Tenderers upon the submission of a written request to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of CNY 2000 or USD 300. Payment shall be made in cash or by telegraphic transfer (Account Name: China International Tendering Co, Ltd.; Bank of Deposit: Beijing Branch Business Department of China CITIC Bank; Account Number: 778****10653). At the written request of the Tenderer, the Tender Document can be sent by express delivery but the Procurement Agent will not be responsible for the lost or delayed delivery.
7. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 9:30 a.m., August 01, 2024 (Beijing Time). Electronic procurement will not be permitted. Late Tenders will be rejected. The outer Tender envelopes marked “ORIGINAL TENDER”, and the inner envelopes marked “TECHNICAL PART” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below at 9:30 a.m. on August 01, 2024 (Beijing Time). All envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the public Tender opening for FINANCIAL PART of Tenders.
8. All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of CNY 1.8 million or USD 250,000.
9. The addresses referred to above are:
Procurement Agent: China International Tendering Co, Ltd.
Room Number/Floor: Room 910 at 9th floor
Address: Tower C, General Era Center, Fengtai District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Postal Code: 100055
Contact Person: Zhang Yan (Project Manager), Wang Qian (Project Manager)
Email Address: zhangyan3@cgci.****.cn
Tell: +86-10-****8601/8527
Fax: +86-10-****8691
Address for Inspection and Purchase of Tender Documents:
Address: Room 910, 9/F, Tower C, General Era Center, Fengtai District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Contact Person/Title: Zhang Yan/Project Manager, Wang Qian/Project Manager
Email: zhangyan3@cgci.****.cn
Address for Tender Submission and Opening:
Address: Room 405 of China General Consulting Investment Co., Ltd. Conference Center, 4/F, Tower A, Shouke Building, No.14 West Third Ring South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Contact Person/Title: Zhang Yan/Project Manager, Wang Qian/Project Manager