Sky High LXVIII Leasing Company Limited部分资产(一架B737-800飞机,序列号为MSN36812)
Sky High LXVIII Leasing Company Limited部分资产(一架B737-800飞机,序列号为MSN36812)
转让底价: 4172.160000万元
标的所在地区: **省**市
资产类别: 航空器
信息披露起始日期: 2025-01-06
信息披露期满日期: 2025-02-07
受托机构 受托机构名称: | 受托机构联系人: 联系电话:
交易机构 交易机构名称:****交易所 | 业务联系人:周淑燕 联系电话:010-****7888-757、186****6302业务负责人:贺明贤 联系电话:010-****7888-757、186****3541
转让方承诺 资产公告信息
36,238飞行小时/ 23,234飞行循环
其他披露内容 :
4、飞机目前注册在根西岛,自2023年10月9日开始执行长期停放工作,目前不适航。两台发动机均处于不可用状态。机身有少量部件缺失;发动机无缺件,飞机构型信息详情请联系转让方尽调了解。 转让方简况
36,238飞行小时/ 23,234飞行循环
其他披露内容 :
转让方基本情况 | |||
转让方名称 | Sky High LXVIII Leasing Company Limited | ||
注册地(住所) | Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland | ||
经济类型 | 国有控股企业 | ||
产权转让行为批准情况 | |||
国资监管机构 | 财政部监管的中央金融企业 | ||
所属集团或主管部门名称 | ****银行****公司 | ||
批准单位名称 | **** |
交易条件 | ||
交易价款支付方式 | 一次性付款 | |
与转让相关其他条件 | 1、意向受让方在充分了解转让标的情况下,在挂牌期满前递交受让申请材料并递交交易保证金人民币4,172,160元(或等值美元,即585,418.42美元****交易所指定银行账户(挂牌期满日17:30前,以到账时间为准),即为意向受让方在《物权受让申请书》中对转让方作出接受交易条件受让转让标的承诺的确认,成为转让标的的竞买人。意向受让方逾期未交纳交易保证金的,视为放弃受让资格。竞买人被确定为受让方且不存在违规违约情形的,该交易保证****交易所出具资产交易凭证且收到转让方书面通知后原额原路返还给受让方。竞买人未被确定为受让方且不存在违规违约情形的,其交纳的交易保证金在确定受让方后原额原路返还。若以美元支付交易保证金,汇率取资产评估基准日美元兑人民币汇率7.1268。 1. Based on a full understanding of the underlying asset, the prospective transferee shall, prior to the expiry of the announcement period, submit the application for acquisition and pay a Security Deposit of 4,172,160 RMB or a USD equivalent(585,418.42 USD) to the designated bank account of SUAEE (before 17:00 Beijing Time of the expiry date, subject to the bank account entry time). After completing the above procedures, the prospective transferee shall become a bidder for the underlying asset, who is deemed to have confirmed its undertaking in the Application for Property Acquisition to accept the transaction conditions hereunder, and to acquire the underlying asset at a price not lower than the Base Price. The prospective transferee who fails to pay the Security Deposit within the time limit shall be deemed to have given up its qualification to apply for acquisition. If a bidder is confirmed as the transferee and so long as no event of default has occurred and is continuing, the Security Deposit will be fully returned to the transferee through the original payment route after the issue of Asset Transaction Certificate and a written notice is received from the transferor. If a bidder is not confirmed as the transferee and so long as no event of default has occurred and is continuing, the Security Deposit will be fully returned to the bidder through the original payment route after the transferee is confirmed. If the Security Deposit is paid in USD, the USD/RMB exchange rate shall be 7.1268 as of the appraisal value date. 2、信息发布期满,如只征集到一个符合条件的竞买人递交受让申请材料及交易保证金的,则采取协议转让方式成交。采用协议方式转让,竞买人应当以不低于转让底价的价格受让转让标的,并****交易所的通知要求在规定时限内通过网络竞价平台进行有效报价,报价高于或等于转让底价的,则该报价成为受让价格,竞买人被确定为受让方后,应在三十个工作日内与转让方签订资产交易合同。信息发布期满,如征集到两个及以上符合条件的竞买人,采取网络竞价(多次报价)方式确定受让方和受让价格。竞买人被确定为受让方后,交易双方应按照竞价实施方案的要求在三十个工作日内签订资产交易合同。 2. At the expiration of the announcement period, if there is only one qualified bidder who has submitted the application for acquisition and paid the Security Deposit, the bidder shall make an effective offer at a price not lower than the Base Price through the online bidding platform within the time limit as notified by SUAEE. The offer price will be the purchase price. If there are two or more qualified bidders, the transferee and the purchase price will be determined through online bidding. After a bidder is confirmed as the transferee, the transferor and the transferee shall sign the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement within 30 business days. 3、本次资产交易价款采用一次性支付,受让方应在资产交易合同签订之日起5个工作日内支付履约保证金585,418.42美****银行账户,该履约保证金在飞机交割时转为交易价款的一部分。受让方应将除履约保证金外的剩余交易价款在飞机交割前****银行账户,最晚交割日为自资产交易合同签订之日起第30个自然日或双方另行约定的其他日期,但最晚交割日不得晚于2025年6月30日。除非出现以下情形,履约保证金不予退还:飞机在交割前发生全损;或因转让方的原因,飞机未能在最晚交割日前完成转让。 3. The asset transaction price shall be paid in a lump sum. The transferee shall, within 5 business days after signing the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement, pay a Contract Deposit of 585,418.42 USD to the bank account designated by the transferor. The Contract Deposit will become a part of the purchase price at the closing. The remaining purchase price shall be paid by the transferee prior to the closing date. The closing date shall occur no later than the 30th day from duly signing of the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement or the date agreed between transferee and transferor (the “Cut-off Date”), but the Cut-off Date shall be no later than 30th June, 2025. The Contract Deposit shall not be refunded except as set forth below: (a) if a total loss of such aircraft occurs before the closing; (b) if the transaction is not completed on or prior to the Cut-off Date for reasons solely attributable to the transferor. 4、本项目交易保证金以人民币计价,可以人民币或美元支付。本项目履约保证金和交易价款以美元支付。若以美元支付交易保证金、履约保证金和交易价款,汇率取资产评估基准日美元兑人民币汇率7.1268。 4. The Security Deposit is denominated in RMB and can be paid either in RMB or USD. The Contract Deposit and Purchase Price will only be paid in USD. If the Security Deposit, Contract Deposit and Purchase Price are paid in USD, the USD/RMB exchange rate shall be 7.1268 as of the appraisal value date. 5、为保护交易各方合法利益,转让方在此做出特别提示,意向受让方一旦递交受让申请材料且交纳交易保证金,即成为竞买人并对如下内容作出承诺:如竞买人存在以下任何一种情形,转让方可以以意向受让方交纳的交易保证金为限,在****交易所组织交易的相关服务费用后,依法依规向意向受让方主张相应的赔偿责任,****交易所将按照交易保证金相关规则处理。 1)只征集到一个符合条件的竞买人: ①****交易所通知的规定时限内,竞买人未****交易所网络竞价平台进行有效报价的; ②被确定为受让方后,未在三十个工作日内与转让方签订资产交易合同的。 2)征集到两个及以上符合条件的竞买人: ①在网络竞价中竞买人未提交竞买文件的; ②在网络竞价中各竞买人均未有效报价的; ③竞买人通过网络竞价被确定为受让方后,未在三十个工作日内与转让方签订资产交易合同的。 3)违反资产交易保证金的有关规定或其他违规违约情形的。 5. For the rights and benefits of all transaction parties, the transferor hereby reminds that the bidder shall be in default in the following circumstances. In the event of the bidder’s default, The transferor may claim corresponding compensation liability from the intended transferee in accordance with the law and regulations, up to the transaction deposit paid by the intended transferee, after deducting the relevant service fees organized by the Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange. The Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange will handle it in accordance with the relevant rules of the transaction guarantee fund. (1) When there is only one qualified bidder: (i) The bidder fails to make an effective offer through the online bidding platform of SUAEE within the time limit; (ii) The bidder who has been confirmed as the transferee fails to sign the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement within 30 business days; (2) When there are two or more qualified bidders: (i) The bidders fail to submit the bidding documents in the online bidding; (ii) The bidder fails to make an effective offer through the online bidding platform of SUAEE within the time limit; (iii) The bidder who has been confirmed as the transferee fails to sign the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement within 30 business days; (3) The bidder violates other lawful rules or regulations in relation to Security Deposit or any other matters. 6、转让方对所提供文件的真实性负责,但不保证飞机本身可能存在超出文件描述范围的损伤或缺陷。受让方应在尽职调查时对飞机状态进行相应确认,受让后出现的问题,转让方不做任何承诺,并不承担额外的补偿义务。在受让方签署接收资产证明前,转让方对转让标的物具有善良保管义务。标的资产的飞机机身和发动机(包括文件资料)均按最终交割时点的现时现状交付。 6. The transferor shall be responsible for the authenticity of the documents provided. The transferor does not warrant that the aircraft will be delivered without excessive wear and tear, damage or defect as currently disclosed in the technical documents. The transferee shall confirm the condition of the aircraft during due diligence. The transferor shall not make any commitment or undertake any additional compensation obligations for any problems arising after the transfer. Before the transferee signs the certificate of acceptance of the assets, the transferor shall have the obligation to keep the assets in good faith. At the closing, the Aircraft including the airframe, engines and documentation shall be delivered in AS IS WHERE IS condition. 7、除转让方产生的企业所得税和印花税应由转让方自行承担以外,本次转让标的过程中所涉及的其他税费及相关费****交易所费用、机身和发动机处理费用等)由受让方承担。 7. Except for the enterprise income tax and stamp duty incurred and payable by the transferor, the other taxes and fees (including but not limited to the fees from SUAEE and airframe and engine disposal fees) arising from the transfer of the underlying asset shall be borne by the transferee. 8、本项目公告期即可进入尽职调查期,意向受让方一经递交受让申请材料并递交了交易保证金,即视为已详细阅读并完全认可本次转让标的所涉资产评估报告等备查文件及该等文件所披露内容以及已完成对本项目的全部尽职调查,并自愿全部接受转让公告之内容,已完全了解与认可转让标的状况及相关交易条件、约定,自愿接受转让标的的全部现状及瑕疵,并愿意承担一切责任与风险,成为受让方后,不得以不了解转让标的状况及瑕疵等为由拒绝签订资产交易合同或拒付价款,否则视为违约。在签订资产交易合同后,受让方有权进行必要的交付检查,检查级别为一般目视检查(GVI)或取得转让方同意的其他检查项目,其费用由受让方承担。 8. The announcement period is the due diligence period. The prospective transferee has the right and obligation to inspect and fully understand the underlying asset. Once the prospective transferee has submitted the application for acquisition and paid the Security Deposit, it shall be deemed to have fully understood and accepted the status and relevant provisions of the underlying asset, accepted all the status and defects of the underlying asset, and been willing to bear all responsibilities and risks. After being confirmed as the transferee, the transferee shall not refuse to sign the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement on the ground of not knowing the status and defects of the underlying asset, otherwise it shall be deemed as an event of default by the transferee. After signing the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement, the transferee has the right to conduct necessary Pre-Purchase Inspection. The PPI procedure and work scope shall be limited to GVI or the scope approved by the transferor, and all expenses related to the inspection shall be borne by the transferee. 9、意向受让方递交受让申请的同时,须递交如下书面承诺内容: (1)我方已详细阅读并完全认可本转让标的所涉资产评估报告等备查文件及该等文件所披露内容以及已完成对本项目的全部尽职调查,并自愿全部接受转让公告之内容,已完全了解与认可转让标的状况及相关交易条件、约定,自愿接受转让标的的全部现状及瑕疵,并愿意承担一切责任与风险,我方成为受让方后,不得以不了解转让标的状况及瑕疵等为由拒绝签订资产交易合同或拒付价款,否则视为违约。在签订资产交易合同后,我方可进行必要的交付检查,检查级别为一般目视检查(GVI)或取得转让方同意的其他检查项目,其费用由我方承担; (2)我方已自行对照有关规定和要求,对自身购买资格条件进行了核查,并在自行咨询专业人士、相关方和监管机构的基础上判断已符合转让标的的受让资格,决定受让转让标的,自行承担由此产生的全部后果,包括费用、风险和损失; (3)我方已知晓并同意,被确定为受让方后,转让标的交付相关事项,包括但不限于: 1)交付条件:标的资产的飞机机身和发动机(包括文件资料)均按最终交割时点的现时现状交付; 2)交付地点:标的资产的交付地点在**市历**遥墙国际机场******公司或其他双方同意的地点; 3)购机检查范围:最终交付前,转让方同意我方对飞机、发动机和文件资料进行一次最终检查,检查时间不超过1个日历日,检查内容仅限于接近客舱、驾驶舱、货舱、电子舱、起落架、发动机和APU等不需要工具打开的区域;我方将不对发动机和APU进行内窥镜检查; (4)以上承诺不可撤销。 9. When submitting the Application for Acquisition, the prospective transferee shall also submit a written undertaking as follows: (1) We have thoroughly read and fully accepted the asset appraisal on this project and the information disclosed therein, and have completed due diligence on the project. We are willing to accept all provisions of the Notice of Asset Transfer and have decided to acquire the underlying asset. We shall not refuse to sign the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement on the ground of not knowing the status and defects of the underlying asset, otherwise it shall be deemed as an event of default by the transferee. After signing the Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement, we can conduct necessary Pre-Purchase Inspection. The PPI procedure and work scope shall be limited to GVI or the scope approved by the transferor, and we will bear all expenses related to the inspection. (2) We have checked our qualifications in accordance with the requirements in the Notice of Asset Transfer, and based on our consultation with professionals, related parties and regulatory authorities, we confirmed that we are qualified to acquire the underlying asset. We have decided to acquire the underlying asset and bear all the resulting consequences, including costs, risks and losses. (3) We have understood and agreed that, after being identified as the transferee, matters related to the delivery of the aircraft, including but not limited to: 1)Delivery Condition: all airframes and engines (including all records) will be delivered with as is where is condition. 2) Delivery Location: Taikoo (Shandong) Aircraft Engineering Co. Ltd., Jinan, China, or other locations agreed by both parties. 3)Final inspection:Before final TOT, the transferor agree to conduct a final inspection of the aircraft. The duration of the inspection will not exceed one calendar day. The inspection will be limited to areas which do not require tools to open, such as cabin, cockpit, cargo, E/E bay, landing gear, engine, APU. We will not conduct BSI on engines and APU. (4) The above commitments are irrevocable. | |
受让方资格条件 | 1、意向受让方应为依法设立并有效存续的企业法人或经济组织; 2、意向受让方应具有良好的财务状况和支付能力; 3、意向受让方应具有良好商业信用; 4、意向受让方应符合有关法律法规规定的其他条件(包括但不限于反洗钱准入政策等)。 | |
保证金设定 | 是否交纳保证金 | 是 |
交纳金额 | 417.216000万元 | |
交纳时间 | 信息披露期满前交纳 |
信息披露期 | 20 个工作日 |
交易方式 | 网络竞价 |
展示时间 | 公告期内 |
展示地点 | 请与联系人预约确认 |
联系人 | 李少楠/丁越 |
联系电话 | 010-****5908/****3219 |
没有附件 |